

  • LaBelle First Handbag Catalog

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  • LaBelle Labels

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  • LaBelle’s Carry Out Bags

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  • The Birth Of LaBelle the Box Place

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  • LaBelle First Fashion Box Catalog

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  • We Need Help

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  • First Tradeshow

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  • Nan's Business Card Designs

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  • La Belle Forms Designed by Bruce and I

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  • GLM Closing and Answer

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  • Nan's Memo's

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  • Labelle's Latest Catalog

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  • Labelle New items Catalog

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  • First Products in A Huge Catalog Company

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  • Trying to Capture Disney

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  • How Labelle Boxes Are Made

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  • Several Custom Boxes

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  • Disney Boxes

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  • Cinderella's Castle

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  • 1st Disney Minority and Women Business Enterprises

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  • The First of Many

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  • Trying to Capture The King

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  • Lisa Marie Boarding Pass

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  • Kennedy Space Center

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    View here - Kennedy Space Center Artwork

  • Art Instructions

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  • Invitation to Launch

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  • Cigar Boxes

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  • QVC Letter

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  • QVC Script

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  • Business Proposal


    La Belle Fashion was first established in February of 1194, presently it is a privately held company.  Our Home Office was first located in Miami, Florida.  From the onset of this successful business venture, it seemed destined that we would need more than just one place in which to show our beautiful handmade leather handbags and Art Treasure Boxes.

    In order to accommodate an ever growing customer response and just eight short months since the inception of the business, we opened an even larger showroom and warehouse on 44th Street in Sunrise, Florida.  Although our handmade handbags were our main resource, it clearly was our newly acquired hand-painted, hand carved wooden boxes that most inspired our customers.

    So great was the market demand for our remarkable hand painted Art Boxes, within three years we found it necessary to move again and combine all our facilities under one larger

    With the business of Art Boxes growing at an extremely rapid pace, we could no longer divide our time between the handbags and the boxes.  It became a necessity to discontinue the manufacturing of the handbags while concentrating solely on the boxes.

    Presently we are located on Nob Hill Rd. in Sunrise, Florida, where we have joined our executive offices to our accounting departments, coupled with a shipping department that overlooks our 5000 sq. ft. Warehouse.  At present writing, plans for a new and larger showroom have already been drawn up.

    After months of hearing our customers shout from our doorway to their friends, “I’m over here at the box place, or meet me at the box place,” we underwent a name change which corresponded with the opening of the new Nob Hill location.  Henceforth, we are known as, “La Belle The Box Place.”

    Currently, we entertain a staff of ten full time employees with a reserve of four part time people rounding out our ever growing employee base.

    In the year 2000 our Gross Sales revenue was $1.9 million with a 15% increase overall for 2001.

    Our first commissioned piece was a watch box for the Erte’ Foundation of New York in 1994.  This was the first time we designed and manufactured a box with someone elses artwork on our product.  It was produced with artwork on the outside to match the watch it held on the inside.

    The design for this project was so successful that the original purchase order for two hundred pieces of each three designs was increased to 1000 pieces each, even before production was started.

    Then several pieces were produced exclusively for Walt Disney Studios and sold only in their galleries, located on their own property.  Due to the success of these Artworks, production is presently in progress for four additional pieces.

    Walt Disney Studios in California has commissioned us to produce two projects to be included in the famous catalog.  These pieces are still being manufactured at the time.  However on the strength of work already produced, The Gallery Buyer for Walt Disney Studios California, has asked us to also produce several pieces for them.

    It is our intention to distribute our product wholesale, giving exclusive representation of our new Walt Disney line to the prestigious company, Just Gold.  Established in 1991, this company has a rapidly expanding distribution network in Hong Kong and the region.  In total, there are now nineteen boutiques in prime retail sites in Hong Kong alone, ten boutiques located throughout Taiwan, and one in Macau.  With a state-of-the-art, computerized distribution network in Hong Kong and Beijing, Just Gold has the ability to adapt efficiently to the ever changing market forces.

    Besides their enormous retail marketing outlets, Just God has an ever growing well known and dignified corporate customer base.  Among those serviced on a regular basis according to a special need are:

    1. Visa International

    2. The Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club and the Hong Kong Jockey Club

    3. Revlon Hong Kong Ltd.

    4. Warner Brothers Studio Store

    5. Telecom Directories-Yellow Pages

    6. Ocean Park Corporation

    7. Hong Kong Bank

    8. Polygram-Taiwan

    9. Hong Kong Tourist Association

    10. Hong Kong Convenience Stores LTD

    We are absolutely certain that Just Gold has the customer base to ascertain success in this new Walt Disney venture we are planning.

    The hand work involved in making our Art Boxes represents the ancient Chinese art form called “Coromandel”, which is more than 3000 years old.  Coromandel is the intricate technique of carving clay on wood and then hand painting it.  We have been able to adapt this technique to encompass Wall Panels, Trunks, and Plates as well our functional Art Boxes.  The production of such work, which breathes a new life into the art work it imitates is produced solely for us in China.

    Although, production lead time varies it usually runs anywhere from 60 to 90 days.  When needed additional workers are hired to ensure productions deadlines will be met.

    Our Art Boxes easily blend beauty with practicality, making them not only the perfect gift giving idea but a product that is designed to revolutionize the general gift industry, as well as the furniture and accessory markets.  With our ability to redesign our beautiful product, whether it be in the form of a box, wall panel, plate or trunk the possibility of its uses become endless.  It is our opinion through years of previous experience in America, that our product’s retail dollar value is well served at double the wholesale price.  Since we have not yet shown our product in the Asian Market we most certainly remain flexible.

    Currently, there is no competition in conjunction with our products.  We are now the sole manufacturer in China and importer to the United States of these style Art Boxes, Trunks, Wall Panels and Plates.

    Due to the diversification of our product and the beauty that precedes it, we personally feel that our target customer is limitless.  In America, our product is bought by both you and old alike.  Our varying price pointes enable a customer, within any income, to own on of our priceless pieces.  La Bell The Box Place, knowing full well the importance of heritage as a family investment throughout the Asian community, stresses the importance of faultless craftmanship and design worthy enough to be considered family heirlooms.

    Our product can be available in the Asian market within a thirty to sixty day time frame upon acceptance and completion of any samples that are needed, with shipments available once per month every month that they are needed.

    In pursuit of marketing excellence, form the outset, Just Gold has recognized the importance of implementing a comprehensive and imaginative advertising  and public relations program.  This why their Faye Wong advertising campaign obtained such an extraordinary level of success.  The television commercial part of this campaign was rated at the Top Ten Recall TV Advertising, in a survey conducted by Market Behavior Limited, Hong Kong on behalf of MEDIA during January.  It is for this reason that La Belle The Box Place has full confidence in Just Gold to promote our product to its full potential.

    Our ex-factory wholesale price range would be in the area of $14.00 with a projected sales of 12,000 pieces during the first twelve months.

    The designing of product would be an exciting collaboration between La Belle The Box Place and the one hundred and twenty craftsman and designers already employed by Just Gold.  A marriage of design confidence, extreme hard work coupled with the unmistakable desire to please our customers shared by both La Belle The Box Place and the Just Gold Company, can only ensure a highly successful business venture between these two young and dynamic corporations.

    The Just Gold Company had been the recipient of the Rookie of the Year Award and The Best Sales Performance of the Year Award, 1994 and 1995, awarded by the Walt Disney Company (HK) Ltd.  Like those at Just Gold, we at La Belle the Box Place, surely know that the search for excellence is not found in eight hour work days.  We stand ready, working together as a team, to meet all tasks required of us, to make this project successful.  As always we see only solutions never obstacles.  It is on this premise that our projections for sales growth following our launch can only be termed limitless.

    It is with the utmost of confidence in ourselves and Just Gold’s shared commitments, to hard work, desire for quality, ability to design with beauty and elegance, that we feel worthy enough to bring to the Walt Disney Company Asia Pacific Limited, that which it truly deserves, Performance, Quality, Affordability, Prosperity and Respect.


    General Manager


  • Austrian Gallery


    2323 NW 95th Street

    Seattle WA 98117

    206 789-3878/FAX 206 784-3884

    April 8, 199


    LaBelle 4747 Nob Hill Rd. Suite 13

    Sunrise, Fl 33351

    Dear Nan:

    I received the shipment of boxes with the Kiss motive.  The quality is beautiful. As you described, and the sizes unusual.

    The illustration, while representative of the Klimt painting, is to close to the original to be called an adaptation, and to far from the original to be called a reproduction. Therefore, these particular boxes will not work for our purposes.

    We are currently designing a Klimt inspired collection and would like to continue dialog with you regarding production of the box pieces.

    Do you have a catalog of other designs, not necessarily classic art adaptations, which could me mailed to me?  I will be meeting with the Museum Store Association Conference to discuss further your line.

    Sincerely yours,

    Sue Daley

    US Museum Store Representative

    (Copy of the original letter with signature can be seen under letters)

  • LaBelle Free Press

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  • Ad For Kenny's Business

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  • Farewell Inner Office Memo

    LaBelle The Box Place

    NAN 022802

    February 28, 2002


    To My President, My Staff, My Family and Friends at Labelle The Box Place:



    Paw Paw








    I chose to give you all my actual letter of resignation on my last day at LaBelle The Box Place, because I didn’t know if my heart could take any more added pressure of sadness, a haunting sadness which I felt the night I told Oreste I was leaving. I was afraid my heart would burst and I would die of a broken heart.

    I will carry with me always fond memories of the LaBelle The Box Place Company that started as a complete family effort up to and down to the oldest and youngest members, Paw Paw and Marcus. Little by little over the years, I watched sadly as the family somehow drifted away from its primary purpose of helping each other and me to build a business that was destined to become an Empire.

    Bella, do you remember the afternoon we spent at your house walking around and around your dining room table putting together that first LaBelle catalog?  We were preparing to go to our very first wholesale show in New York.  The FAE Show.

    In the first paragraph, I mentioned you Bella.  It was your good eye and personal style that first brought the boxes to us. Without that style and ambiance there could have never been a LaBelle The Box Place.

    Do you remember when the first order came loose cargo?  I’ll never forget it! Only 100 boxes came.  You and I sat on the floor at 44th Street and opened every carton together. 


    We touched every single box.  We were in love instantly and it is that love of the boxes that I will carry with me until my last dying breath. I thought you, more than anyone else Bella, would know my love for LaBelle and even though you hurt me by doubting that love several days ago; I still thank you for bringing the boxes to us, you were their first Mother.  

    All of us went to that first FAE show in New York, everyone in one car together everyone but Kenny. I remember the van we reserved, somehow was given away and there wasn’t one other van left in the whole of Florida to rent.  We put the merchandise on top of that old, strong Volvo, with its red engine light on (which by the way is still on seven years later) tied plastic around the cartons and away we went on what was to become a whirlwind adventure in building our Empire. Oreste and I did all the driving while Bella, Dennis, Paw Paw, and Marcus slept.

    Oreste, do you remember how we laughed at them while they slept? Eat, shit, sleep that’s what we said. And we drove and we laughed!  You and I sang to each other especially when you were falling asleep!  Can you remember singing the traffic signs to me? The sound of your voice singing those damn traffic signs will play on in my memory forever.

    That show was the beginning of what I thought were ‘all my dreams come true”.  It was a time for learning and a time for change. Do you remember the wholesale price of the 1515 size box and how we arrived at that price?  We sat around the pool, at the house in Pembrooke Pines, enjoying the day, swimming, laughing and talking business. Eighty eight dollars, that was the price for the large box.  Double Chinese lucky numbers, that’s how we figured it and it worked!

    Even at our first show in New York, a show that sold fashion accessories, scarves, clothing, hats and gloves, they were starting to whisper our name, the great name of LaBelle.  We were an instant hit! The world was just beginning to know us.

    Paw Paw was kind enough to lend us the money to start the wholesale part of the new business and for this help we are ever grateful.  Everyone worked very hard, even Paw Paw. Every time a shipment came in, everyone came to the shop to help. I always told people I met in business that when the shipment came in, it was like we were a family vineyard harvesting the grapes.  We danced and sang and ate dinner outside in the moonlight, sitting on top of the cartons that had not yet been opened.  Bruce came and sometimes my Dad, it was wonderful, we were together.

    Marcus always came to help.  I remember Oreste and I watched him one night, it was very very late.  He was so young but it didn’t stop him. 


     As little as he was, we watched him, Oreste and I and we were proud.  He made so many trips to the trash bins, pushing and shoving the lop sop with all his heart and soul trying his best to do his share of the work.  He worked hard and never complained.  It was his fathers’ and my dream for him to learn to speak Mandarin, with the hope of him becoming our liaison and controlling and protecting our dynasty overseas.

    One day when I came home from a business trip, I can’t remember when it was and I noticed that the shipment was not completely put away on the shelves. I bitched and bitched about it and heard many excuses why it couldn’t fit or didn’t fit but the truth is-nobody came to help! It was  too much job for just Vincent-one man could not do the whole job himself, even though he valiantly tried to.

    We always checked the outer cartons and we always checked what China put inside them. It seemed to me that since Bruce and I were away and couldn’t be there to help put the shipment into the wall, it just sat in cartons on the floor. I went away one day on a business trip and when I came home, we just didn’t do it anymore.  And no one cared about it but me.  We no longer shared together the glory of harvesting the grapes.  From that time on, I watched as everyone but Bruce and I, had interests other than the LaBelle Box business on their minds. Everyone.

    Kenny, every time I look at pictures of all of us it never has you in the picture!  It hurts me so, you’ll never know.  But even though you kept to yourself most of the time, you still had LaBelle business on your mind-first and foremost.  What happened?  When did you lose interest?  Please, your father needs you now more than ever.  And your opinions do count!  Read all the faxes and learn!!

    How does anyone know your opinion when you don’t stand up and fight for it?  I begged you many times to stand beside me when I went to your father with an issue and all you ever did was sit at your desk telling me later how your opinion doesn’t count anyway. You were wrong-dead wrong.  You have very good ideas and opinions Kenny and they do count.  Your father cannot make it without your undivided attention toward LaBelle The Box Place business.

    You are the oldest brother and you must set an example for younger brothers, I insist you do this for me.  Conduct yourself as an honest business man and treat people fairly no matter what they do-you should be different.  

    It seems to me I spent a lifetime telling Dennis what you were thinking and telling him your thoughts. Talk to each other, especially about the business. La Belle is worth it.


    If you blend together Dennis’ head for merchandising and your watchful eye over the money-both of you-could bring this company around. And please, lighten up-take time to enjoy your life.  Kenny, you are a good man.  I needed and appreciated every hug you gave me this week. I will never forget this kindness you showed me.  I’ll always love you.  You deserve some happiness, you earned it.  Play harder-Work less!

    Dennis, every time I look at a picture of all of us, you and I are always next to each other.  I’ll love you till the day I die, you know that.  I’ll miss you and Kenny so much, please don’t stay away too long.  I miss you already.  Stand beside your brother like you stood beside me-help him.  He has a very heavy load to carry at LaBelle and that load needs to be lightened a bit by you.

    Your mother and I always laughed at the difference between you and Kenny.  When we returned home from a trip, you always said, “What did you buy me?” and Kenny always said. “I hope you didn’t buy me anything!  It’s the combination of these differences between you and Kenny that can water the roots of LaBelle and make her grow again.

    Use your knowledge of business and your college education for the good of the company.  You and I both know you can do it.  But in order to do it, you must put forth a great deal more effort than you are putting in now.  Your father needs you, be there for him.  Work harder-Play less!

    I’m so glad that you met Tracy.  I know she’s the right girl for you.  I wish you both a life of happiness, love and togetherness that you deserve and desire.  Watch how her family works together for their business and remember how our family once worked together for our business.  It was a glorious time.  My wish for both of you is a love like Bruce’s and mine but make no mistake, it takes a lot of hard work to keep a love likes ours going strong.  I’ll be waiting to hear the good news.

    Both you and Kenny must watch this new guy from the Crystal Palace.  He is looking to copy us and take our place in history-don’t let him do it!  He told one of my exhibitor friends that he intends to make a line of 100 boxes.  He didn’t know that the man he was talking to was a good friend of mine.  I have given your father his catalog and price list.  Study it!

    His work is nothing compared to LaBelle Art Treasure Boxes but if you give him time, he might catch up to us.  Don’t dismiss him too lightly, he is hungry and jealous.  I believe it was a sign from God when our customer returned one of our damaged boxes in one of his inner cartons.  DON’T LET THIS HAPPEN!!!  LABELLE CAN BURY HIM!


    We lived through the betrayal of Teresa and her brother Alex and LaBelle can live through this but really only if you both work together can you do it.  It will mean hard work and great strength.  You are both capable.  You must help your father, he cannot do it alone.

    Vincent, it has been such a special pleasure to know you and your wonderful family.  You are such a hard worker, just like me. LaBelle was lucky to find you. My happiness and love will be with you this June when it’s time for Judith to graduate.  Tell everyone who will listen how proud you are of her, your English is great!  I will miss you my dear friend and our wonderful discussions and good hearty laughs. Thank you for every moment you listened to me and the support and warmth you have showed me these past years.

    I always told Oreste how wonderful it was when you came to work for us, you were someone we could trust.  No matter how many times I walked in the back room, I found you busy fixing something, cleaning something, doing anything that needed to be done.  No one ever had to tell you what to do or watch you.  You always worked hard for our company and I thank you for all your kind hard work. I love you and I’ll miss you very much.

    My dearest Bruce, you have loved and supported me through all this craziness and while doing that, you yourself have grown.  You came to us with good positive intentions and the desire to help us achieve our goals of becoming a major driving force in a very competitive business arena.  

    I watched you become a great salesman, those who knew you long ago would never believe it.  You were always so quiet and shy when I first met you. You learned so many things at La Belle, because you had to, we needed someone to do the job.  And although you had never done these things before, you learned them and did them well.    

    I saw you become a computer expert right in front of my eyes. I hope you know how very proud of you I was every time you fixed our lousy machines.  I was proud of you then and I’m proud of you now.  You gave LaBelle 110% effort and for that effort, I thank you.  You really did a great job and I couldn’t have done it without you.  I will never love anyone more than I love you, you’ll share my soul forever.

    Oreste, I could hardly bring myself to speak to you these past days for fear that I would collapse.  I was so afraid that just the sound of your voice would steal from me what little strength that I had left. I didn’t dare look at you to see your sadness.  And although, you always thought that it was Andre Agassi, it was you Oreste, who was my warrior. I will never forget you and all that you have taught me.             



    Although you didn’t think so, I always listened and I learned many things from you, things I couldn’t ever dream of knowing about business.

    Every single moment of our lives together was a mad adventure and one that they could write stories about.  You were and always will be my brother and my friend; we share the same rare blood type and the same crazy work ethic. I take from LaBelle one million memories and most of those memories are of you and me rowing the boat together.  Truly, I remember them all, most of them good and some not so good but exciting just the same.  

    Oreste, please know in your heart that I always loved you and I always will.  You are not alone; your family is still there.  I know in my heart the Yu family can survive this and maybe my leaving will bring all of you together once again, working as one, working as a family, and working to fulfill the destiny La Belle so strongly deserves.

    As for me, I will keep LaBelle designs, origins and production secrets locked deep inside my broken heart, there to stay until the day I die.  I will not, nor do I have any intentions to sell a product that competes with that of LaBelle The Box Place.

    I will hold dear to me all of you, with wishes for your good health and continued success always on my lips.  And when they come to me and whisper the name LaBelle, as they did in that first show in New York, I’ll stand proud to know that I was an integral part of a great company and helped to sow the seeds of her birth.  I am her Mother.

    Please remember me with favor always and know that my password was and always will be honest, hard working and loyal.

    All of my love always,


    General Manager

    La Belle The Box Place

LaBelle First Handbag Catalog

  • LaBelle First Handbag Catalog

    La Belle Fashion

    It started as a dream two years ago, when Oreste sent his lovely wife Bella  across two continents in search of unusual treasures to bring to their new 

    found land of America.  Bella, with a good eye for beauty and a desire to bring unique elegance at an affordable price, went shopping.

    The results have been stimulating customer response since the inception of the business. Although a young company, LA BELLE FASHION is growing rapidly. Store locations are thriving in Mami, and Sunrise Florida plans for a  new store in Boca Raton is on the horizon.

    Our handmade products are among those the most inspire our customers.   The quality of workmanship and materials exhibited in our handbags is readily noticed. For the woman who wants to be beautifully different, La Belle Fashion is the answer.

    The hand carved and hand painted boxes we import are not only breath taking in unique design and workmanship but practical as well. Finding their way into homes in the Florida area, our boxes serve as hiding places for magazines, mail, jewelry, and television accessories, while adding a touch of beauty complementing the décor of any room.  The possibilities are endless, making them the perfect gift idea for any occasion.

    Home Office 7814 NW 44th ST Sunrise, Florida 33351 

    Tel: 305-749-5088 

    Fax: 305-438-6796

    Showrm 777 NW 72nd Ave #28-13 Mami, Florida 33126 

    Tel 305-260-0008 F

    ax 305-7491877

LaBelle First Fashion Box Catalog

  • LaBelle First Fashion Box Catalog

    La Belle Fashion

    It started as a dream two years ago, when Oreste sent his lovely wife Bella  across two continents in search of unusual treasures to bring to their new 

    found land of America.  Bella, with a good eye for beauty and a desire to bring unique elegance at an affordable price, went shopping.

    The results have been stimulating customer response since the inception of the business. Although a young company, LA BELLE FASHION is growing rapidly. Store locations are thriving in Mami, and Sunrise Florida plans for a  new store in Boca Raton is on the horizon.

    Our handmade products are among those the most inspire our customers.   The quality of workmanship and materials exhibited in our handbags is readily noticed. For the woman who wants to be beautifully different, La Belle Fashion is the answer.

    The hand carved and hand painted boxes we import are not only breath taking in unique design and workmanship but practical as well. Finding their way into homes in the Florida area, our boxes serve as hiding places for magazines, mail, jewelry, and television accessories, while adding a touch of beauty complementing the décor of any room.  The possibilities are endless, making them the perfect gift idea for any occasion.

    Home Office 7814 NW 44th ST Sunrise, Florida 33351 

    Tel: 305-749-5088 

    Fax: 305-438-6796

    Showrm 777 NW 72nd Ave #28-13 Mami, Florida 33126 

    Tel 305-260-0008 F

    ax 305-7491877

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