Jane Seymour/Badash

Jane Seymour

  • From Jane

  • Jayne is Coming

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  • Another Chance

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  • First E-Mail With Designs

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  • Annoucing The Collection

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  • Something Special For Jane

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  • Designs For Open Heart Jewelry For Autism

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  • Garden Of Serenity Tulip Vase

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  • Dreams Of Giverny Bedside Carafe

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  • Glacier Bowl Design

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  • Open Heart Ocean Serenity Sculpture

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  • Various Emails Involving This Project

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  • Whispering Winds

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  • Badash Press Release

  • Ofnah Crystal

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  • Crystal Clear

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  • Posty Notes

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  • Faxes Written To Reps

    View here Page 1 Badash Lady In Waiting

    View here Page 2 Free Nights And Weekends

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    View here Page 4 New Catalog Disc

    View here Page 5 Response To Nan's Late Night

    View here Page 6 Sending Customers To Our Website

    View here Page 7 Setting Goals

  • Nan's Late Night II I Hate Machines

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    Jane is Coming

    • Jane is Coming








      SHOWPLACE 3404

      APRIL 17th - APRIL 22nd

    Designs For Open Heart Jewelry For Autism



      Autism is the silent killer of the dreams of our children and their families.

      It robs them of their smiles and hopes.

      Like a thief it steals their chances for joy and happiness.  Autism embezzles their free thoughts and expressions.

      The number of cases of Autism has just recently risen from 1in every 150 children to 1in every 100.  This is incredible considering the mounting awareness of Autism being spread through the news services and by word of mouth of the families it affects.

      Money is raised every day for research which usually is in a genetic nature and that’s great however, we need to have money to help educate  these children, their parents- NEW PARENTS and most of all the DOCTORS that treat newborns entering the world everyday.

      The problem is now-it’s overwhelming-it’s not going away!

      Therapy sessions are in the 50.00 an hour range and these children need therapy and much more, some intense enough for 40 hours a week.  Insurance companies in at least 50 states do not consider Autism as a medical condition and refuse to pay any part no matter how small the service.

      We have allowed this assassin to go unpunished long enough.

      I’m ready to do my part to bring this criminal to justice

      Autism can not be allowed to get off scott free.

      We have lost an entire generation of children already and it threatens to continue with a vengeance – this is a pandemic!

      Help us to fight it!

      On behalf of my family, I thank you and plead with you to read and become knowledgeable about Autism, so you can help save a child and a family you know from this heartbreak.

      Love always,

      Nan – Bubbie to Sam 


    Garden Of Serenity Tulip Vase



      I have designed the tulip vase for the Garden Serenity Story Board although Jane’s tulip painting is featured in Fashionista.   I felt that this vase would enhance this Collection and it feels natural there.

      I have attached two pictures of other product we produced so you might see what I meant about embossing the left leaf of the vase by looking at the way the Parrots stand away from it.

      On the attached tulip vase currently in our line you will notice that the tulip head extends over the top edge of the vase and that’s what I have in mind for this piece.

      Also, the tulip itself and the right leaf are softly sandblasted and that is what I suggest. The stems of the tulip holding the bud and the one going down from the leaf to the bottom can have a deeper etch.

      It would be awesome if we could make a softly scalloped edge with some fine sandblasting around that- but it would have to be very fine in order not to take focus away from the tulip and  it’s leaves as they extend and touch the top edge of the vase.

      It might be great to have the vase bottom start at 3.5-4 inches in width and extend upward gradually opening to a full fluted  mouth that is approx 6 inches in diameter.

      The Jane Seymour Signature for this collection can be placed small in the lower right hand corner.

    Dreams Of Giverny Bedside Carafe



      While looking at this story board I came up with the thought of a bedside carafe featuring Jane’s soft painting shown there.

      I have initiated the same shape as the vase in this painting and hopefully we can produce it that way-certainly it would be a different shape then is now shown in other venues.

      The carafe itself would be 8 inches high and the cup that rest upon its extended neck approx. 3.5 inch high with its width determined by the width of the pitcher itself.

      I would absolutely love to do the lighter blue in this pantone pallet but fear that it would be tricky to consistently make this color as each piece is mouth blown twice to achieve colored crystal.  The darker blue is also very scary to be a constant so I am suggesting all clear with sandblasting. 

      I do not want to fight the blues of the other designers for attention and certainly do not want the color to be off.

      We can etch a full blossom on the glass so even when it is sitting on the table or being held the design seems as if it was meant to be that way even displayed upside down on the carafe.

      The design etch can continue on the full face of the carafe as it mimics Jane’s painting with her signature for the collection in the lower right hand corner.

      If successful it can be re-etched to accommodate each story board.

    Glacier Bowl Design



      Please forgive my drawings-they are all primitive at best.

      I have attached our black bowl K957 for your perusal.


      In my first drawing I see Jane’s open flower painting working very well with this piece.  It would be the bowl as you see it and the flower etched against the glass to cause the frosted or clear look- mixing well with the black and white collection.

      In drawing #2 the flower would be mirror imaged on the back of the bowl causing it to show proudly as it sits on the table inviting conversation.

       I have to check to see if this could work depending on the amount of blown color front or back- if etched backwards it could be seen as frosted or clear looking directly at it.

      These bowls are 10 inches in diameter and 6 inches high.

      In drawing # 3 please refer to our bowl CD840.

      I love this look for any of the florals Jane has created. My drawing does not accurately define the beauty of this low wide bowl - it would frosted as shown and could also lend itself to any of the other story boards.  

      This bowl is only 4.5 inches high and has a diameter of 10 inches.  It has winner written all over it.

    Open Heart Ocean Serenity Sculpture



      I have included three pictures of sculptures we have already produced to show the distribution of the color threading through the sculpture.

      I believe that this open heart sculpture and what it represents in the manner of Jane’s dream for it- will not only make a wonderful accent to any room décor in which it sits- it can serve as a special dedication for those people who have opened their hearts and won awards for their excellence.

      By using all of the colors in the pantone pallet even in small instances the dark brown-the blend will be awesome.

      I suggest the darker color use minimal at best and hugging the inside curve.

      It’s my opinion to make the sculpture at the least 14 inches high with an 18 to 20 inch high piece being a better choice.

      The base could easily be 4 inches in length by 3 inches in depth and 3 inches high thus allowing for a presentable and substantial base on which the hearts can rest and engravers could put their sweet words.

      Although, I know that there are other heart sculptures being produced, I believe this one would be affordable to everyone and people in all walks of life would surely embrace it.

      Should it prove successful it is certainly possible to address all of the color pallets in every story board.

      The Jane Seymour Signature for the collection could rest very nicely in the right hand corner on the top of the crystal piece.

    Titled Various Emails Involving This Project

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